What We Believe
Based on Lutheran theology, liturgical practice, and sacramental practice, we are a community which strives to offer God our very best in prayer, music, and preaching in a setting that is conducive to worship and fellowship.
Hope provides worship experiences with different formats and musical styles to engage those from varied backgrounds to participate fully in our life of worship and ministry comfortably. We believe at Hope that the church is defined as the people and not the buildings. This means that, wherever we are, we are called to share the grace of God with those around us. We often state that the pastors are those called to equip, educate, and exhort the people but that the members are the ministers of Hope.
We seek to walk more closely with Jesus, share the grace of God more abundantly, and grow the Kingdom of God each day as individuals and as a congregation.
At Hope, we do this by engaging in the key areas of worship, prayer, studying scripture, serving God through serving our neighbors, giving of our resources for the work of the church through Hope and other agencies, and telling others what God has done for us and offers to the whole world in Jesus Christ. Each of these areas is lived out corporately and individually in different ways.
All that we are and all that we have is a gift from God. Stewardship is the use of our time, talent, treasure, and testimony to glorify God, share the good news of God’s redeeming work in the person of Jesus, to care for those in need, and to love our neighbors.
At Hope we offer a variety of opportunities to do this individually and through programs such as the Pastoral Care department, My Time, Grief Support, Stephen Ministry, our food pantry, and partnerships with other local and state agencies.
Hope believes that we are to create opportunities, through the settings and gatherings we provide, where individuals and families can find help, hope, and a spiritual home.
Check out our Outreach & Fellowship Ministries and Large Events Ministries.