"To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known.”
Hope Lutheran Church has always stressed that adult education is one of the most important ways for us to “Know Christ.” With that sound foundation, Hope is expanding our education program to a year-round program with the vision of: “Providing Educational Opportunities to Deepen Our Relationship with God,” with a mission to: “Spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and Equip (provide additional tools to) the members of Hope to be His Disciples.”
Our goal is to provide a broad learning experience to members and friends to grow in faith and knowledge of their Christian heritage. Classes will consist of instructor-led lectures, including presentation of material by DVD, group discussion and dialogue, and other forms of engagement. Most courses will be in person, and the majority of courses will take advantage of Zoom and Livestream platforms to engage the greatest number of participants.
Course information will be available here and in our News in the Pews. A list of courses will be published well in advance of classes describing course content and naming instructors. Courses may include traditional Christian themes as well as art, music, exercise, and technical topics that enhance the attendee's walk with the Lord. Most course material and offerings will be archived.
H.O.P.E. would not be here today without the insight and leadership of the (late) Rev. Dr. Dean Piper. His dedication and educational insight set a foundation for this learning experience. It is from this excellent dedication that we are able to expand the educational experience for Hope Lutheran Church and beyond.
H.O.P.E. University Education Team: What can I do?
Anyone at Hope Lutheran Church can join the team and no previous experience is required. A strong interest in adult education is eagerly received. We do ask that team members be willing to do the following:
Contact Information
To join the education team, or to inquire further about H.O.P.E. University, please contact the Director of Christian Education, Pastor John LeCain at (352)425-2776 or email: pastorjohn@hope4all.church
HOPE University Videos